Friday, February 6, 2009

Stuff thats kickin about...

Last night I went to dinner at Winkiku, the 5 star Seafood Buffet at Sails in the Desert out here. It's quite expensive, but man, the food was amazing. I had crab, prawns, octopus, mussels. And that was just on the first plate!! It was a really nice treat.

I am counting down till my final shift. I'll be pleased to move on from here., though I have met some really nice people, seen some cool stuff and taken some cool pics, It's almost time to move on..

I look forward to being back on the road again.. just call me Willie Nelson. With the extreme weather all over Australia right now, there are a lot of cyclone warnings in the top end, but let's face it, the high ways are closed to the east and west, and if I don't go North, I gotta come home, and though I miss home alot, I'm not ready to return just yet....

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