Saturday, February 7, 2009

Photo Project

So with the abundance of stuff to do up here when you're not working (note sarcasm), I have been buying alot of magazines. One thing I will say for the newsagency here, though you have to pay freight on papers (Saturday's Age costs $6.60!!!) They have a vast and varied selection of glossies and mattes, and some really good design/art/gay mags (though not Frankie), however, I digress.
In one of these mags, fantastically named "Monster Children", they interview some artist guy, and give him a disposable camera and a list of things to shoot.

From this, my housemate, Sabrina and I have devised our own list, comprising 12 items from each of us, and have each purchased  disposable camera, and within a week, we are in the process of taking each of these pics. It is ace and challenging, and something I am seriously keen to start up with a small group of devoted followers when I return home. Other suggested themes are the numbers 1-24, IN ORDER. Not as easy as it sounds. Also, the letters of the alphabet in order, backwards or forwards. My theory is, we get a group of about 10 people together (I'll make a facebook group), and make it a monthly thing. We agree to meet on a set date with electronic and printed copies of our list of photos. Photos must be taken on a disposable camera.  I can think of a few people who will be keen already!!

And again, I digress. Here is our list, and with any luck, shortly following will be our photos.

the road
something in your room
something blue
something metal
something you use every day
something you're going to eat
one of your friends
a sign
something electronic
somewhere not accessible to guests (at the resort - yes. I live at a resort)
something you can see from work
someone who looks weird or funny
uluru at sunset
an animal
a fruit
the sky
something on your way to work
something in the IGA
any kind of bottle
a view out of our house
something wooden
something that makes you happy
something that has to do with sports

I have 8 to go


Now go check your facebook to see if I invited you to join the fotoclub group!!!

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